SEOUL, South Korea (Yonhap) – It was a desperate bunt by Jeong Ju-hyun, 32, of the LG Twins, that ended a four-and-a-half-hour 12th-inning stalemate .Jeong hit an infield single in the 12th inning of a 토토사이트 home game against the Kiwoom Heroes of the Korea Baseball Organization (KBO) at Jamsil Stadium in Seoul on Wednesday, and then went up to the podium for a ‘hero interview’ .He was thrilled to hear LG fans singing “Jeong Joo-hyun Cheer,” but he smiled and said, “I don’t mind not being the main character. As a “backup infielder,” Jung also started the game from the bench. In the bottom of the 10th inning, tied 4-4 , Austin Dean led off with a single to right, and Choi Seung-min was on first base with the bases loaded. With LG unable to score in the 10th inning, Jung Ju-hyun grounded out to the first baseman’s mitt to start the 11th.The game continued, and in the bottom of the 12th inning, with runners on second and third, Jung was up to bat. With the game tied at 2-2, Jung took a two-seam fastball from Kiwoom Submarine’s Yang Hyun .The pitch was a poorly hit grounder. However, Jeong sprinted to first base and got there before Kiwoom shortstop Kim Joo-hyung’s throw. He even made a head-first slide to throw himself out in front of first base .”I didn’t think about anything, I just ran while shouting ‘safe,'” Jung said after the game, “I don’t even know how I threw myself to first base.”Kiem requested a video replay, and Jung watched the “slow motion” on the scoreboard with his LG colleagues. They were convinced it was safe and prepared for the water ceremony .The video readout showed that he was safe, and he was drenched in his coworkers’ celebration. Jeong’s third career walk-off hit gave LG a seven-game winning streak .For Jeong, every moment was a happy one .Once a contender for LG’s starting second baseman, Jeong didn’t play a single game for the first team last year. This year, he played 48 games as a backup infielder .”It’s great to be back on the field after a long time and contribute to the team like this,” said Jeong. “Last year, I didn’t play a single game in the first team. I’m very grateful to coach Yeom Kyung-yup for giving me a chance this year, even as a backup.”He also enjoyed watching the video review with his teammates. “I wasn’t sure about the save, but my teamma tes said, ‘It’s unconditionally safe,'” Jung recalled, “I was relieved that they said that .”On the day, Jeong played defense with Kim Min-sung’s mitt at first base and Oh Ji-hwan’s bat for the game-winning hit. “We are helping each other like this,” Jung said .Even in the moment when he became the hero of the game, Jung said, “I don’t need to be the hero. Just being on this team for a long time is enough. “Everywhere in the world, the supporting cast is necessary. In baseball, a good supporting cast makes a team stronger. It’s also very 안전놀이터 common in sports for yesterday’s supporting cast to become today’s heroes .Even players who end their careers as supporting players have their ‘shining moments’. On August 3, Jeong Ju-hyun shined at Jamsil Baseball Stadium and sprinted to first base.
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