I Won, But I Can’t Believe I’m In The Third Place Fight

LG has already confirmed its regular season title on the 3rd. Among the 10 teams, the ranking was confirmed first. 토토사이트 However, it has been almost a week since the championship was confirmed, and other teams are still competing in the rankings. Even the last place has not been confirmed.

In particular, the fight for third place is enormous. Doosan Bears, SSG Landers, and NC Dinos 3 teams are playing a half-game close game, and the ranking of the 3 teams is changing every day. On top of that, the sixth-ranked KIA Tigers are also aiming for the fifth place, so under the current situation, the third to fifth places are likely to be decided only on the last day of the season.

A bloody chaotic ranking battle. LG is at the center of it. If LG plays the Lotte Giants on the 10th, it will have only three games left. However, the remaining three games are troublesome. After playing NC in Changwon on the 13th, he comes up to Jamsil to play the last two consecutive games against Doosan on the 14th and 15th. Both are third-place contenders, so they can’t play carelessly.

LG manager Yeom Kyung-yeop said, I think we should send out the main players in all three games the same, adding, We can’t help it because we can be misunderstood for no reason.

Coach Yeom also thought of a plan to let the main players rest in the away game and start the main players at home. However, it is not possible to do so because it is against NC and Doosan.

Only NC can play the main player, not the main player against Doosan, and conversely, it cannot play the main player against NC and not the main player against Doosan. It could be criticized by SSG for playing non-mainstream against both NC and Doosan. This means that since all 16 games with SSG have been played normally, they will also play with NC and Doosan normally.

Of course, the selection may vary depending on the physical condition of the players, but I think I will do my best to avoid misunderstanding. In particular, the Doosan match, which is the final game of the season and the final home game on the 15th, will be held on the 15th to receive the regular league trophy, so he is determined to win even more on this day.

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