Ko Jong-wook, You Have To Be Happy When You Play Baseball

Ko Jong-wook is a free agent he exercised after 13 years of joining a professional team. Outfielder Ko Jong-wook, who exercised his FA rights after the 2023 season, signed a two-year contract with the original team KIA Tigers on the 21st for a total of 500 million won down payment of 100 million won, annual salary of 150 million won, option of 100 million won. 토토사이트

The previous day 20th, infield FA An Chi-hong signed a contract with the Hanwha Eagles for 7.2 billion won up to six years, and closer Kim Jae-yoon, who recorded 169 saves in total, transferred to the Samsung Lions for up to 5.8 billion won 4 years on the 22nd. It is true that Ko Jong-wook’s contract seemed humble in the FA market, which has been heating up from the beginning.

It’s a contract that means a lot to the player. Ko Jong-wook, who made his debut with the Nexen Heroes currently Kiwoom in the 2011 season, showed excellent contact skills to record a batting average of 0.304 in 856 games 2,938 at-bats played until the 2021 season. However, after the 2021 season, he was released from his team, SSG Landers.

In December 2021, when the cold winter was waiting, Ko Jong-wook starts anew holding the hand put out by KIA. The adjustment was not easy. He was pushed out of fierce internal outfield competition and had to mainly play as a pinch hitter. He played only 62 games in the 2022 season. After the regular season, he became an FA for the first time since his debut, but he had no choice but to give up his rights.

Ko Jong-wook made a comeback with a batting average of 0.296 in 114 games in the 2023 season. Although he was not the main outfielder, he played as a pinch-hitter option for KIA manager Kim Jong-kook at the most important moment. He hit .286 in substitute games. He also had a very high batting average of 0.346.

Ko Jong-wook exercised his FA qualifications again this year. It received a lot of attention from other teams because it was a C-grade FA that only had to compensate 150% of the previous annual salary 70 million won without a compensation player..

Ko Jong-wook’s choice was KIA. It’s the team that gave me another chance during the most difficult time right after the release. Over the past two years, he has played for this team and adapted to both the club, teammates, and the region Gwangju. I wanted to end my career in KIA, he said.

Ko Jong-wook is also disappointed with the contract period. Even if the option achievement clause was included, I wanted a three-year 2+1 contract. But soon he came to his senses. Ko Jong-wook said, Director Shim Jae-hak has been a leader and a player since he was a member of Nexen, and coach Kim Jong-guk also gave me a lot of opportunities to shine as a pinch-hitter this season 2023. I believe in the general manager and manager, so if I prove my skills, I will be able to be with KIA in two years, he said.

There was a team that could play better. So my family and acquaintances were more disappointed. Ko Jong-wook is said to have conveyed his inner feelings to them, Happy while playing baseball is the most important thing, but I thought it could be done in KIA. Eventually, I got support from people around me.

Ko Jong-wook’s happiness baseball source is his support for KIA fans. The remaining goal of his career is to repay KIA fans with better performances. He said, KIA receives a lot of support no matter what stadium it is. To be honest, I feel like playing baseball as a player. Ko Jong-wook then said, KIA is definitely a team that can aim for the top. I’ll give you a better look, too. I will pour it out from Gwangju once again,” he said.

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