South Korea’s men’s badminton team has secured a bronze medal at the Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games after defeating ‘powerhouse’ Indonesia. South Korea defeated Indonesia 3-1 in the men’s team quarter-finals at the Binjiang Gymnasium in Hangzhou, East China’s Zhejiang province, on Monday. The Koreans, who had beaten top-ranked Malaysia the day before, overcame a huge power differential against the Indonesians to produce an upset. With the win, the team secured the bronze medal in the men’s team event, giving them a green light to fulfil their goals for the tournament. The Korean badminton team will be chasing medals in two team events (men’s team and women’s team) and five individual events (men’s singles, women’s singles, men’s doubles, women’s doubles and mixed doubles).The Asian Games team event is played in three singles and two doubles matches, with the first team to win three games. World No. 47 Jeon Hyuk-jin (Yonex) battled hard against world No. 2 Anthony Sinisuka Ginting but lost 0-2 (15-21 17-21).At one point in the second set, Jeon led 15-8 with a solid reception to force his opponent into an error, but was broken by a series of sharp jump smashes from Ginting. However, men’s doubles aces Seo Seung-jae and Kang Min-hyuk (formerly Samsung Life – World No. 4) did their job and levelled the match .Seo Seung-jae and Kang Min-hyuk fought back to win 2-1 (11-21 24-22 21-17) after 87 minutes against the world number one pair of Fazal Alfian and Muhammad Ryan Ardianto. After a lethargic first set, Seo Seung Jae and Kang Min Hyuk started to regain their rhythm in the second set .Leading 18-15 before allowing the score to be tied, Seo Seung-jae and Kang Min-hyuk unleashed a barrage of smashes at 22-22 in the third deuce to end their opponents’ persistence. At 14-14 in the closely contested third set, Seo Seung-jae’s sharp smashes continued to shine as he sealed the victory. With the match score 1-1, world number 119 Lee Yoon-gyu (Cheoncheong, Kim) swung the momentum in Korea’s favour. Lee produced a flawless performance against Jonathan Christie (World No. 5) to claim a 2-0 (21-15 21-16) victory .Lee maintained his dominance throughout the match, highlighted by a series of diving defences at 18-15 in the second set, followed by a jumping smash that sent the shuttlecock crashing into his opponent’s court. Setting the tone, world No. 332 Kim Won-ho (Samsung Life) and Na Sung-seung (Kimcheon City Hall) completed the win with a 2-0 (21-18 21-17) victory over 11th-ranked Raleigh Carnando Leo-Martin Daniel Jo.Korea’s semi-final opponents will be India, who beat Nepal. Earlier in the day, the women’s team also secured a bronze medal with a comfortable 온라인카지노 3-0 win over Maldives in the quarter-finals.
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