NHL Players Refuse to Discuss Promotional Gambling Contracts

Since the recent development of the Canadian gambling industry, sports betting advertising has been on the rise and cannot be missed now. 슬롯머신 They feature famous sports stars such as Great One itself, Wayne Gretzky and other NHL stars. However, as part of Fifes Estate’s investigation into sports betting, the athletes declined to comment on their approval contracts.

In the summer of 2021, Canada legalized single event betting, paving the way for Ontario to open its first open eyegaming model in the country. That’s why much of the publicity is aimed at the state and many popular athletes appear, but parents and experts in the country have expressed alarm about the possible impact on children and betters.

In a recent survey of sports betting in Great White North, Fifth Estate contacted some of the hockey stars to learn more about their multimillion-dollar deals with gambling operators. However, the athletes refused to comment on the topic. The investigation began recently after Britain banned game ads featuring sports stars because they can affect children.

Brian Mass, an NDP member for Windsor West, Ontario, came up with a controversial statement that the sports stars were damaged. He also argued that the legalization of iGaming in Ontario could push gray markets out of the country, and that provinces could introduce safer markets and use tax revenues for the benefit of local residents.

The NDP also points out that such athletes have already been successful in their careers, and their values should be based on their performance, not their impact on people. He is also afraid that many children idolize the stars, watch games on TV, and become the subject of these advertisements. That’s why he wants to do something about these ads.

Darrag McGee, a lecturer in the Department of Health at the University of Bath in western England, said the message of the ad is that gambling is a desirable activity for all generations in Gretzky’s case, as are other athletes. Experts point out that it is difficult for many young people to make 90 minutes without betting on games.

In response, the CEO of the Canadian Game Association, which partners with some of the biggest game brands in the industry, said companies have the right to advertise. He argued that the state was aware of the influx of advertising with the legalization of the market, and that companies were not intentionally trying to influence children with their advertising.

Much more experts in the industry shared concerns about the recent surge in sports betting. David Hodgins, a professor of clinical psychology at the University of Calgary, commented that sports betting has evolved and is now similar to a slot machine because of its availability and the ability to bet on almost anything.

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