On the morning of the 15th, Liberation Day, Citi Field, home of the New York Mets, hosted a special event for Koreans before the start of the game between the Mets and the Pittsburgh Pirates. Members of the Korean-American community in New York were invited to the stadium for “2023 Korean Night at Citi Field,” an event organized by the Mets. This year’s event specifically honored the 70th anniversary of the U.S.-ROK alliance, and veterans of the Korean War were also invited to attend. The Mets’ home stadium has a special connection to the Korean-American community because of its location. The Flushing neighborhood of Queens, New York, is home to one of the largest concentrations of Korean Americans in the eastern United States. The first generation of immigrants who came to New York from Korea decades ago endured the hardships and struggles of being an immigrant in the Flushing neighborhood of Queens to support their children’s generation. In recent years, the second and third generations of Koreans who have settled in the U.S. based on their parents’ sacrifices have gradually migrated to so-called promising school districts such as New Jersey and Long Island, New York. Even the Flushing business district, once dominated by Koreans, is said to be losing out to Chinese capital. Still, Flushing, Queens, a neighborhood steeped in the blood and sweat of their parents’ generation, remains a focal point for Korean Americans in the New York metropolitan area. Kevin Kim, the commissioner of New York City’s Small Business Services Administration (SBS), is a second-generation Korean-American who immigrated to the United States as a child and grew up in Queens. A graduate of Stanford University and Columbia University Law School, he was the first Korean-American to be nominated and run as a candidate (Democrat) for the New York City Council in 2009, and has been instrumental in growing the Korean-American community’s presence in the city through his public service. Outside the stadium before the game, a local Queens gugak team performed to announce that it was going to be Korean Night. Following Commissioner Kevin Kim is actor Seo Jin Lee, who graduated from New York University (NYU) and has strong ties to the city. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause as a choir of children from a New Jersey Korean school dressed in hanbok finished singing the U.S. national anthem. In the middle of the stadium during the U.S. national anthem, a group of 카지노사이트 veterans from the Korean Navy Association of the U.S. East Coast stood side-by-side with the American flag, emphasizing the significance of this Korean Night event. The fact that Samsung installed the displays on the stadium’s scoreboard, which was refurbished last year, and throughout the stands, may have made Americans feel closer to Korea. “I understand that today’s Korea Night was held to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the U.S.-ROK alliance and the 73rd anniversary of the Korean War,” said Hwang Seok-hee (92), a former president of the New York Chapter of the Korean American Veterans of the 6-25, who was invited as a veteran to the event.
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